Tea Time Talkies

Ladies and gentlemen, may we introduce you to the perfect Sunday afternoon!

Once a month we screen a classic film consisting of a 15-minute intermission where a delicious Devonshire Tea* awaits (a cup of tea and traditional homemade scone with cream and jam).
Carefully designed to make your movie experience all that extra bit special, Tea Time Talkies at The Roxy will take you on a journey where film and food perfectly collide! A truly collaborative event between The Roxy and Coco - ideal for those chill-out, indulgent weekend afternoons!
So gather a group of friends and join us for our Tea Time Talkies at The Roxy!
All tickets are $24.
*no dietaries catered


Sunday 19th May 2:45pm
--- Ex-tennis pro Tony Wendice (Ray Milland) wants to have his wealthy wife, Margot (Grace Kelly), murdered so he can get his hands on her inheritance. When he discovers her affair with Mark Halliday (Robert Cummings), he comes up with the perfect plan to kill her. He blackmails an old acquaintance into carrying out the murder, but the carefully-orchestrated set-up goes awry, and Margot stays alive. Now Wendice must frantically scheme to outwit the police and avoid having his plot detected.  ---
70th Anniversary
All tickets come with a pair of GetD 3D glasses that will be handed out at the door on the day.


Sunday 9th June 2:30pm
--- While on a train, writer Richard Harland (Cornel Wilde) strikes up a relationship with the gorgeous Ellen Berent (Gene Tierney). Ellen quickly becomes obsessed with Richard and abandons her fiancé, Russell Quinton (Vincent Price), to be with him. The couple rushes into marriage, with both of them caught up in romance and Richard intrigued by Ellen's intensity. Only after settling into marriage, however, does Richard realize that she is psychotically jealous and highly unstable.  ---


Some Previous Tea Time Talkie Screenings